Sunday, February 15, 2009

Winter Cold

So exactly how are you supposed to handle a cold? Are you supposed to baby yourself, tucked up into a warm bed with lots of hot tea, a good book and Kleenex? Or should you "Memmel up"* and just keep slogging through your every day life as though nothing is wrong?

I have not had a knock down drag out cold in a while, but this one is obnoxious. I have felt lousy since last Monday, traveled with it Tuesday through Thursday, tried to ignore it Friday, attempted sleeping it off Saturday and Sunday, and though I am feeling quite a bit better today, it is still hanging around, causing my nose to run (oh, how attractive) and giving me a "courage, Camille" type hacking cough when I least expect it (or try to laugh!). I keep asking myself, "Should I just lay low for a bit and see if I can get rid of this?" But the fact that there is a lot that needs doing (the Christmas crap is STILL not all put away) keeps me jumping off the couch to do yet another chore.

As long as the Kleenex is nearby, I guess I can handle it.

* "Memmel up" refers to the US Olympic gymnast, Chelsea Memmel, who competed in Bejing on a broken ankle. Gotta give credit to the local gal!! She's from West Allis, WI, practically a neighbor!

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