Interesting how contentment sneaks up on us, isn't it? It is a rainy Sunday here, my belly is full of McD's steak & cheese bagel (no egg, thank you!), I am on my second cup of coffee and I really enjoyed the message at church this morning. I am 100% focused on all of the GOOD in my life, which so far surpasses the bad, which is where I intend to keep my mind all of the time this week.
1. Wonderful loving husband who makes me so very happy
2. Incredible kids, so smart and delightful (even when crabby!)
3. Amazing family, who surround me with love
4. The very best friends (you know who you are) that love me no matter what
5. A roof over our heads and food in the pantry
6. Many talents, both at work and at home, that allow me to accomplish so much
7. A little money in the bank to help offset this period of unemployment
8. Good health, my own and that of those I love
9. Lovely critters, from dogs to cats to turtle, fish & hamster
10. A fabulous library full of books to keep me entertained
11. A great new hobby/business with Club Scrap--hopefully it will pay for my craft habit :-)
1. Still no job, but heck, it has only been a week!
Thank you, God, for giving me so many wonderful blessings. Help me keep them foremost in my mind and remember that it is through your grace that I receive them. AMEN