Sunday, October 12, 2008

Time Together, Time at Home

I have had a lot of time on the road lately. Three weeks in a row, I spent no more than 2 nights in my own bed. From Minnesota to Las Vegas to Seattle, I had a lot of fun, but I am always so glad to be home. Even when traveling with Jamie, home is still the best place to be.
No matter where I go, I cannot wait to come home after about 2 days. Well, maybe about a week if oceans or history are involved :-) They keep me distracted.
This picture is of Jamie and me at Mounds Park on the Mississippi River in St Paul, MN. Lovely spot overlooking the river, complete with ancient Indian mounds. We were lucky enough to see a parade from the Indian school nearby that day. History? Yes. Home? No.
I am home for several weeks now, home to spend time with my husband, home to cuddle my cat and pet my dog. Home to create fun things in my sCrap Cave.