Sunday, December 28, 2008

Woo hoo, Christmas!

So Christmas is actually over, but I am sitting quietly in my living room, admiring the tree and reflecting on what fun it was this year. I got to spend time with most of my extended family, which was such treat. I made a lot of gifts by hand this year which was very fulfilling. I even made all the Christmas cards and sent them out before Christmas (well, there will be a couple of Happy New Year cards, I confess). I was better organized and less stressed, and more appreciative of the people around me.

It is a rather fitting reflection on my year as well. I spent time with family and friends, I spent more time creating things and less time stressing, I planned better and was better organized and got more done. I enjoyed my year a lot.

I hope you enjoyed yours as well.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Time Together, Time at Home

I have had a lot of time on the road lately. Three weeks in a row, I spent no more than 2 nights in my own bed. From Minnesota to Las Vegas to Seattle, I had a lot of fun, but I am always so glad to be home. Even when traveling with Jamie, home is still the best place to be.
No matter where I go, I cannot wait to come home after about 2 days. Well, maybe about a week if oceans or history are involved :-) They keep me distracted.
This picture is of Jamie and me at Mounds Park on the Mississippi River in St Paul, MN. Lovely spot overlooking the river, complete with ancient Indian mounds. We were lucky enough to see a parade from the Indian school nearby that day. History? Yes. Home? No.
I am home for several weeks now, home to spend time with my husband, home to cuddle my cat and pet my dog. Home to create fun things in my sCrap Cave.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

whomever for obama

So can I just ask this? I am on the Obama website, and I see "Women for Obama" stuff, and "Students for Obama". I have (not on this site) seen "Blacks for Obama" stuff too.

So where is the "Men for Obama" stuff? Or the "Whites for Obama"? Oh wait. The first is sexist, the second is racist.


Could someone help me understand this? I seriously don't get it. Why is it okay to promote one group over another is being pro- or anti- whatever you're pushing?

PC has gone too far, in my humble opinion.


This bridge near my house has become a dam.

I have a love/hate relationship with water. I love being on the water, sailing, canoeing, floating, snorkeling, but I really dislike being in the water. Swimming? I float well, due to high body fat, lol, but I'm not so crazy about getting my face wet. Wading? More my style. Showers? I hate getting my face wet, and to have it "sprinkled", oh, that is the worst!

This weekend has been the best of the worst, or the worst of the best, or maybe the worst of the worst. I had to drive home through the worst rainstorm ever (that will be another post) and have been watching as the incessant rain fills my basement with water and turns my local normally calm river and stream into raging torrents.

I started thinking about water, how we cannot live without it, yet too much will destroy us. I think this is a good metaphor fort just about everything. For everything we enjoy, we must have just so much of, lest it kill us. Food? Sustains and nourishes us, yet too much leads to obesity and death. Wine? Same thing, some is great, but too much will lead to our downfall. The river that we enjoy today may turn into the deluge that is our destruction. We must always be mindful of this, and keep balance in all things.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Thoughts on the beginning of summer

Wow. I just "rediscovered" this blog. And reread all my posts, which I must admit, I enjoyed. I really love to write, but so rarely take the time! I hope I can work on that.

Today was the first really hot muggy day of summer, complete with tornado warnings and rum and tonics on the patio. When you live in a generally cool state, you don't often really feel the need for air conditioning. Today was one of the days when it would be really awesome to have it! But we live in an 82 year old home with radiator heat, and having central air installed would be about as much as a new car. I have often said we could buy a lot of window units for that. Trouble is we never do it. And until days like today become the norm rather than the exception (usually about mid-July), the sheer effort of dragging the air conditioners out of their winter storage spots in basement and attic is just not worth it. Cool baths and cold drinks before bed are much simpler solutions.

How is it that we have become so conditioned to conditioned air? When I was a child, no one had air conditioning. On hot summer nights, you flung open the windows, strategically positioned fans, slept in the buff and sweated. The adults would sit out in the yard with cold drinks, the ice making soft chinking noises over the backdrop of the crickets as the talked softly outside my window. Even the glow of the streetlights seemed somehow hot, and heat lightning would occasionally flicker in the southern sky.

I would lay in my bed, my feet covered with a sheet, staring at the ceiling and I would just know I would never fall asleep. No, never, not in that heat. The sweat beads would trickle down my chest, and I would turn the pillow over and over, vainly seeking the cool side (is there anything better than a cool pillow on a hot night?). I would count the fireflies I could see flicking on and off in the bushes in the back yard. I'd wish I was in my blue plastic pool, the grass clippings littering the surface of the slighly dingy, tepid water. I would listen to my mother brushing her teeth in the bathroom next to my room, and call her for another drink of cool water. Lying there in the dark, I was SO HOT I was NEVER going to sleep, never, ever . . . . .

And then it would be morning, the sun already hot as it tried to muscle its way through my window shade. Another sunny day, just like the one before it, another link on a golden chain of endless joyous summer. A few decades later, my summer begins like this, with the heat and humidity telling me that I will never sleep, the sweat trickling down my chest, and the prospect of another summer day ahead.

I must admit, summer is my least favorite season, but today, even with the storms, even with the hair-curling humidity, even with the hot stuffy air, I am glad summer is finally here. But I do wish we had air conditioning!