Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Been awhile . . .

I guess my intentions were good, but the flesh was weak when it came to this blogging thing. Oh well. Summer is over, the crisp scent of fall fills the air, and the colors have taken on that golden glow that late September brings.

Every season is my favorite when it begins.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year, New You?

Why do we seem so obsessed with changing ourselves as the old year changes to the new? Watching television during a rare free moment last week I wondered what percentage of advertising dollars spent the week between Christmas and New Year's is spent advertising weight loss or fitness. It seems like 2 out of 3 ads is for one or the other.

Yes, I hope to lose some weight this year, and get into better shape. But if I don't, I don't intend to beat myself up.

I like that word, intend. Lots better than RESOLVE. I will not make any New Year's Resolutions, but here are my New Year's Intentions.

  1. I intend to be more concerned about the people around me and how they are feeling and doing. I want to spend more time putting myself in their shoes to see their side of the situation.
  2. I intend to be more focused on my husband and his well-being. I realize that I have a true gem in him, and I need to be better about telling him that.
  3. I intend to take better care of my family. I want to be more family-centered and less self-centered.
  4. I intend to take better care of myself. I have so many self-destructive habits, I hope to eliminate them.
  5. I intend to grow spiritually, and embrace the Creator more closely.
  6. I intend to use my creative streak more often and enjoy the process, not just the product.

I hope 2006 is a fun-filled learning year, one to remember.